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The Funny Stuff People and Aliens say

The Marines and Grunts say some pretty funny stuff. I'm going to tell you everything I've heard them say. I'll add more every time I hear something new. Check back periodically to see new quotes! I probably hear a different one every game I play. Also, they are in no order. Some are from cutscenes, but the majority of them are from the missions where you are allied and fight the Covenant. To view the most recently added quotes, check the bottom of the separate lists. The most recent quotes are always added at the bottom. Expect new quotes every day!
----------------------------The Marines--------------------------------------
"Better bring some butter, you're about to get fried!"
"Come back to class so I can school you again!"
"Let's Roll!"
"You want some more of this?!"
"Ahh the burn."
"Are you loco?"
"Learn to aim your weapon."
"He's loco!"
"School is now in session!"
"Punch it!"
"Covering fireeeeee!"
"Hold your fire!"
"Uh, the thing on the left is the brake.."
"Slow down!"
"You trying to get us killed?????"
"He's lost it he's loco!"
"Get up so I can kill you again!"
"Who's your daddy now?!"
"Let's kill the armored freak!"
"The calvary has arrived."
"Look, a Mark 5!"
"I'm a cowardly fool!"
"Nice job, dumba**"
"Take that ya da** monster!"
"He's hogging them all!"
"Quit hogging them!"
"Hey, I just got this thing washed!"
"We did it! We actually did it! Right behind you, Chief!"-Truth and Reconciliation level 3.
"Clean the mud off your visor."
"Clean your visor!"
"Hey, do you need some more ammo!"
"I'll take you all on!"
"We could use your help...sir."
"Oh, yeah!"
"Oh right!"
"Trigger's down men!"
"You make me proud men!"
"I think they gave it their best shot. But that didn't count on running into the biggest squad of Marine badas*es in the Cor."
"Move, you're in my way!"
"No Covenant, you HAD to open your mouth!"-T&R
"Hit the gas!"
"Kill that armored freak!"
"Nailed them!"
"Woohoooooooooo yeah!"
"Good one!"
"You're almost a man!"
"Keep it up!"
"Aw man, let's get the hel* out of here! Somebody call the dropship!"-Assault on the Control Room.
"Eat it!"
"Don't worry, there'll be more!"
"Ride on!"
"No peeeeeking"
"Get the lead out Marines!"
"Back me up!"
"Men, this is not good."
"Don't get cocky now!"
"Aw, man!"
"Okay over here."
"You killed him man!"
"I just had this thing washed!"
"Pile out!"
"Want some more?"
"Nice and smooth now."
"What the?"
"There's another one!"
"Everybody out!"
"I'm hit!"
"That's what I'm talking about, yeah!"
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"This is bad. Real bad."
"I'm a cowardly fool!"
"They're everywhere!"
"Ow, the burn man!"
"Nice shot."
"Never love."
"Can't hide from me!"
"How'd that feel?"
"Keep it steady!"
"Give me an angle!"
"Let me get that for you."
"Dam* straight!"
"Let's find them!"
"I'm going for them!"
"Come get some!"
"Let's go!"
"Mind not killing my men!"
"So, they're not that tough."
"Cut it out!"
"Cease fire!"
"Check your targets, Marines!"
"Stupid stupid stupid!"
"You're not getting away with this!"
"The Captain's not going to be happy about this!"
"Hey, move your as*!"
"Fire in the hole!"
"All quiet!"
"Ow, man!"
"That one was mine!"
"Hey, quit hogging them all!"
"No running!"
"There's no running."
"We're invincible!"
"That'll do them."
"More, over here!"
"Stay on target!"
"The area is secure."
"Leave some for me!"
"Do you see them?"
"Rot in he*l!"
"That's all of them!"
"Sorry about that sir!"
"Next time, you guys can help!"
"My fault!"
"Keep looking."
"Did anyone see me? I was good."
"Who's your daddy now?"
"It's me!"
"Careful, they could be anywhere."
"Bueno, amigo, bueno."
"Try that one!"
"That got him."
"That's the way to do it, yeah!"
"Frag out!"
"Great, now what?"
"Come on, keep it up!"
"Next time, I'll let you guys have some."
Yeah, we showed them!"
"How's it feel to be dead?"
"What was that?"
"Wow, look at them fly!"-when I threw a plasma grenade and it got stuck to a grunt next to two others, and a marine had thrown a frag grenade, so it exploded when the PG had stuck to the grunt, and it exploded, then the PG exploded, sending several flying bodies...this was in T&R.
"Hey baby, how's that feel?"
"Get out of the way, son!"
"Music to my ears Foe Hammer!" or "I didn't know you made house calls, Foe Hammer!" -Marines say either of these when you clear the beach in SC. Foe Hammer replies "You know our motto-we deliver."
"Come on, floor it!"
"Over here, come on!"
"Does anybody see them?"
"Can't hide from me!"
"I see them!"
"I'm on it."
"Roger that."
"They won't mess with us again!"
"I saw this one moving, so I'll keep it still."
"I'm glad I'm on your side."
"Help me help you."
"All clear!"
"Ah, there's not a bloody thing!"
"Move you knuckleheads move!"
"I'm too pretty to die!"
"He's gone rampant!"
"Stick together!"
"Ease up, son."
"What went wrong?"
"Oh god oh god oh god please help me!"-when stuck with a PG.
"Medic, man down!"
"I saw that, traitor!"
"Get it off!"
"Pick 'em up and lay them down Marines!"
"Trigger's down, men, trigger's down!"
"They're even uglier when they're dead."
"One down, only 50 billion more to go."
"This one looks dead to me."
"God I love this job!" and "I love this job!"
"Do I owe you money?"
"This one isn't breathing. I'll watch it."
"Time to take your medicine, kids!"
"He's taller than I thought! And good looking!"
"Somebody's on fire!"
"These things just don't die!"
"Out of the way, muchacho!"
"From where I come from, that's how we do it!"-Aussie marine
"Fall back!" and "Fall back, men!"
"Try that on!"
"Game on!"
"Mirra, mirra, there's another one!"
"Pick 'em up and lay 'em down, Marines!"
"Come out, come out, wherever you are!"
"They're not so tough..I was told some of them were wearing skirts."
"My mom thought I was gonna be a doctor!"
"Sure thing!"
"Target down!"
------------------------------The Grunts-------------------------------------
"OHHWAHHHHHHHHHH"-when they die
"Die Devil!"
"I can't take him!"
"F****** you!"-(I don't know which F word it is they say,lol)
"Can'!"-reffering to the tips on their backs, or a Fuel Rod Cannon the Spec Ops carry. They say this very fast.
"EHEHEHEHHE!"-They snicker when they kill someone next to you or kill you.
"I killed him! I get his gun!"
"I killed him! I killed him!"
"pant pant pant"-often when they run away from you.
"Down and front!"
"Fire!" or "Flare!"-when they throw a Plasma Grenade.
"Get it off! Get it off!!!!!!!"
"Did you see that, it was me! All me!"
"Little people first!"
"Wake up, bad guy!"
"No more!"
"He's unstoppable!"
"I can't stop him!"
"Leader dead, run away!"
"Kill it!"
"Shoot you!"
"No, not me!"
"Kill!"-when you kill another Grunt or a Jackal.
"Here goes!"
"Not again!!!!!"
"Get it off, get it off!"
"Hurt you!"
"Everybody duck!"
"Did you see that? I killed him!"
"There ya are!"
"Over here!" and "More here!"
"More enemy!"
"Over there!"
"I'm coming!"
"You'll pay for that man!"
"There it is!"
"Look, enemy, more!"
"Need help!"
"He's gonna kill us all!"
"Lost one!"
"They're all around us!"
"Run away!"
"He's everywhere!"
"I'm outta here!"
"Get outta my way!"
"I see them!"
"They got Elite, run!"
"Watch out!"
