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Game Reviews

These are reviews of the games I've played enough to review. These are only for Xbox, and there are two sections: RENTED/DEMOS and OTHER. RENTED/DEMOS means games I've rented and played a lot, or games I have the xbox official mag demo of and have played. I may say a lot about the game, but it's not a very final decision, so I'd go to other game reviews if you want a professional opinion, OTHER means any other games I've played a lot or own. I may own a game but not review it because I don't play it very much. Later I may review games for other consoles, such as N64, PC, games I've played. By the way, don't argue with my reviews. These are my opinions, and I know people have different opinions, so if you have something to say, don't comment. I rate my games from 1-10, 1 being worst, 10 being best. Here's a guide:
0.0-1.9-Yuck! Don't even think about buying this game!
2.0-4.9-Still terrible. Don't buy it unless you're foolish. :)
5.0-6.9-Average. Works for some, doesn't work for some. Usually has several flaws or just doesn't work.
7.0-8.4-Very good. Just shy of being incredible. A few flaws, but definitely worth renting and buying.
8.5-10-Excellent. Buy it. Rarely will you need to rent this game, no matter which genre you enjoy playing games on.
                                           -Crazy Taxi 3:High Roller-
                                           -Rated T for Teen-Mild Lyrics and Mild Violence-
If you've played any of the Crazy Taxis before, you may find the gameplay repetitive. Driving around cities picking up bad-mouthed passengers and dumping them off into different places they should of walked to themselves is a pretty accurate description of the gameplay-however, this isn't a bad thing. It is often funny listening to them yell at you if you make a wrong turn, or if you crash into a car. But what makes the gameplay more exciting is the Crazy Hop, Crazy Drift, and Crazy Dash, which make gameplay more exciting and a good way to make money. Either you can speed up to try and make it to your destination quicker, or hop around town. In fact, driving around the different towns and occasionally picking up passengers is fun-it helps you find shortcuts or ramps to make your driving easier. Also added is a big amount of Crazy challenges which can help make you a better driver-pretty much the craziest things you can think of-jumping on UFOs, jumping huge ramps, going "bowling," and more. These are fun, and you can watch the replays at different camera angles after. Gameplay is pretty addictive, but can get boring and repetitive after a while.
I've seen Xbox do better, but the graphics are pretty good; lively areas with lots of lighting, you can see yourself Crazy Hop or Crazy Jump, the buildings and other cars and passengers are well-colored, overall the game has a lot of, may I say, vividness.
Great retro music plays in the start up screen, when you're driving around, and when you play the Crazy challenges. The voices of the people are pretty well done. If you drive by people without picking them up, they try to get your attention; if you're too late, the people jump out of your cab, cursing. Your cab driver also defends his cab and makes excuses like "we're getting there!" or "hold your horses." Overall, the sound is pretty good.
The controls are pretty easy to get used to: Right Trigger is accelerate, Left Trigger is brake. There are a few combos to get used to, and the button controls are easy too; Y is Crazy Hop, X is confirm your destination, and the A and B buttons are accelerate mode and reverse mode.
Unfortunately, no multiplayer available in Crazy Taxi 3:it's too bad.
+Crazy Taxi games are always pretty good.
+Nice soundtrack and the passengers are funny at times.
+The different Crazy combinations are fun and help you out.
+We've been waiting for a Crazy Taxi 3.
+Surprisingly good theme for a CT game.
+Crazy challenges are a blast.
-Single player only? When will multiplayer come???????
-Gets boring.
-Sub-par graphics-Xbox can do better than this.
-If you're sick of CT, you're sick of this.
?Why do passengers always scream "turn left!" when you're suppost to turn right?????
?Why don't people just walk to their destinations?
                                      -Final Score:8.5/10-
If you're a fan of Crazy Taxi games, I must say, this game is amazing and brings a new kind of Crazy Taxi to the consoles. If you're sick of CT games, it may get boring, but give it a try; the new minigames and Crazy combos are fun and worth a try. If you only like one type of genre, still, I recommend you try this game. It's definitely worth a rent, and I bet it's worth fifty bucks as well.
                                           -Halo:Combat Evolved-
                                           -Rated M for Mature-Violence, Blood and Gore-
Halo's gameplay is incredibly addictive, at least to FPS fans. Gameplay is all combat; there's no silly puzzles to solve, just straightforward action and shooting. Whether it's a recon mission or a straightforward assault to find something special, it's always action-filled and keeps you awake with non-stop action. Halo also has so many options in multiplayer as well, but that will be discussed in the multiplayer section. The single player missions are long and exciting, but Halo needs more; if you play through it and play a lot, it will go by quickly and you'll only have multiplayer. With no friends, what's multiplayer? Well....of course you could try playing Halo through the four difficulty levels-Easy, Normal, Heroic, and the incredibly tough Legendary, play through the levels to hear the hundreds of funny lines the Grunts and fellow Marines say, and to take control of the several vehicles-human and alien-you get to try out and cause massive destruction with. Halo is an excellent shooter with an amazing plot which rivals some of the best sci-fi movies like Aliens and Starship Troopers. However, the reason I didn't give the gameplay 10 out of 10 is because some people don't like FPS, and also it can get repetitive. There aren't really any cheats for Halo, but several glitches that you can explore and are a lot of fun. The A.I. is also some of the best in the game; your Marines provide excellent covering fire, have accurate sniper shots and throw grenades accurately as well; the enemy A.I. is smart as well; the Jackals will throw themselves in front of Elites to protect the warriors, the Elites will retreat temporarily to recharge their body shields, and Grunts often scream when firing their Plasma Grenades to warn their allies. The A.I. is definitely impressive.
All I can say is amazing; truly amazing. The graphics are extremely well-done, from the dirt which flies from the bottom of the tires of the Warthog you're driving to the outdoor and indoor environments you're introduced to. The weapon detail and enemy detail is also incredible; the flash of the Hunter as it recharges its Fuel Rod Cannon is amazing; several missions are in the day and the night; when you drive vehicles, its realistic-the cannon on the Scorpion Tank must recharge-when you drive a Warthog on ice, it's incredibly tough to control it. Take your time looking at the environments around you; Bungie apparently took a lot of time making them-they're worth a look.
Excellent voiceovers and cutscenes. The sounds on the battlefield are amazing, ranging from the realistic sound of the Rocket Launcher firing, or the Frag Grenade exploding, but also the enemy sounds are worth it; listening to your Marine allies is hilarious at times, serious at others. The enemy Grunts are absolutely hilarious, the funniest but dumbest enemies I think anyone has seen in a FPS. The Covenant aliens talk in different languages that sound good..sound is amazing in this game.
If you play Agent Under Fire for Xbox, the controls are pretty much the exact opposite; the fact that there are separate buttons for looking and moving can be hard to get used to. However, if you play Halo a lot, the controls aren't bad, and you can customize them, but they can be hard to get used to if you like switching games the games you play every few minutes.
Excellent multiplayer, bringing you several options such as Slayer(deathmatch), Team Slayer, Pro Slayer, Capture the Flag, Pro CTF, and several new, different but fun options to test out with your friends. There are 27 game types to test out, more than ten multiplayer maps, and co-op mode where you can play with a friend through all of the single player missions on all difficulties. You can also edit gametypes, creating custom ones which allow infinite grenades, all vehicles in Blood Gulch or Sidewinder(the only maps that allow vehicles), and much more. You can even change the color of your character.
+Excellent story.
+Highly addictive gameplay.
+Lives up to the hype.
+Excellent graphics.
+Nice weapons.
+Ability to use vehicles is fun and useful.
+Good thing it was made for Xbox.
+Excellent A.I.
+Many options in multiplayer.
+Nice sound.
+Co-op is good-you rarely see it in a FPS, where you need it and want it.
+Difficulty levels is a good way to "waste" your time.
-Driving a Warthog on ice is waaay to realistic..
-No bots...
-Halo 2 in 2003?Way too long of a wait.
-Some glitches in the environments and enemies often get stuck in the walls.
-No dropships to pilot? No enemy tanks to pilot????
?How are Grunts so dumb?
?Why can't you see MC's head????
?If Grunts run away from you, then why do they always run towards you?
                                      -Final Score:9.8/10-
Very few bad glitches, several funny and entertaining glitches in Halo, making it one of the best FPS on a console, and quite entertaining. The replay value of this is pretty good as well, as long as you have a brother or sister or a very special friend who comes over a lot. I still play SP every day, discovering a lot of new stuff. Halo is something you must buy, not rent; BUY. If you don't like FPS, i'm telling you to buy it already. Who cares if it isn't a RPG? No offense. If you love FPS, or vehicular combat games, BUY THIS QUICKLY. Let's put it this way-You have an xbox-buy it. You don't-feel sorry for yourself and become special friends with someone who does.