auZie88's Halo Fan Page!
Game Reviews
Other Game Tips
Greatest Halo Moments
My AvP2 screenshots
Misc. Screenshots
Games I have
Halo Forum
Level Help
Covenant versus Flood
How far I have got in Halo
Enemy Guide
Halo Story
Tips and Tricks
Human Vehicles
Covenant Vehicles
Praise for Halo
Human Weapons
Covenant Weapons
What should of been in Halo
Funny Pics
Try This!

Home Page

Hey guys I finally got a chance to make a Halo site!Thanks to Tripod, I finally got to make it. I have a lot of new games now, and I'm not sure I want to list my updates anymore..too much space taken up, and I doubt you'll ever read it anyways...I added a new games section..The games I have are listed there. Enjoy your time here. I also Have XBOX LIVE, and my gamertag is AsNaZ.
P.S.:If you see a broken image on a banner-like thing(excuse my descriptions), simply hit Refresh and it should go away.. I don't know what's up with it.
I got a new Covenant Versus Flood opinion, check it out!!!!!!!!
VISIT AKIRA'S SITE NOW. LOOK IN THE LINKS SECTION. BTW all of this is typed up by me..I never ever copied anything, all this stuff i typed is mine..All mine..
Wow, I updated!!! Added a whole thing on SoF weapons, and will add screenshots of those weapons taken by me sometime soon.
I recently purchased Return to Castle Wolfenstein: GoTy edition at Best Buy. It's a fun game so far, both single and multiplayer. I'll post a review sometime..soon..maybe..
Happy late new years! Haven't updated in a LONGGGGGGGG TIME. added a games's the games I have and can play online..although I have Xbox Live and will most likely be on that..added a link to the jiberish halo productions..some excellent halo videos..
Added some quotes and a Try This! section. Today a Marine got stuck in a door in Truth and Reconciliation. Sorry for the lack of updates..
Added a bunch of Try This! stuff, and added several great moments.
August already? Ugh...well I added some quotes I heard. I also am going to get those pics. They include the frozen Grunts in AoTcR, some Grunt deaths that look funny, a pic of me behind the "locked" door in SC, and more. Also added a note in the quotes section about viewing the newest ones.
Added a part which skips that annoying Halo level light bridge FMV sequence in the Try This! section. I am going to get some pretty funny pics which occurred while playing Halo naturally. I have five profiles which have the current name as "Take Pic 1, Take Pic 2, Take Pic 3" etc. I got some pretty funny grunt death pics. I'll get those pics, develop them, and try to scan 'em and slap them on the web.
Added a Great Halo Moment-getting through that door in SC without going to get the security override.
Added a new part to the Human and Covie weapons; Tactics. Although in the enemy guides I tell you how useful the weapons are, this is where I tell you how good they are in general; tips on how to use them effectively.
Put a pic of a Wraith Tank getting destroyed by a Scorpion Tank in the screenshots section because I didn't want to put it in the scorpion section OR the wraith section..too much deciding..also updated the What should of been in halo section with a bunch of new pics and stuff. Added a funny pics section. Yup, more stuff to say. Added a new pistol firing pic. MORE?STOP IT GOD...yep, more stuff. Added new Pelican dropship pics(human vehicles), and yet another what should of been in halo thing..the engineer and the control baton. Also added a beautiful image from TB in the screenshot gallery,as well as a new plasma rifle pic(cov weaps), warthog firing pic(gallery), and more. Check the Human vehicles section, screenshot gallery, covenant vehicle section(tons of new banshee pics as well as a new wraith one), and the wsobinh(what should of been in halo). Added a Try This tip on flipping Wraiths over, updated my contact information, and added a tiny sentence in the avp2 screenshot gallery. All in a good days work, man this took a while. Also added some quotes and a huge amount of tank tips in the tips n tricks section. I'm done for the night-two more things: added an update in the how far I've got, and added eight funny pics.
Well, I had six little pages of quotes(double-sided) I had written from several games, but I lost them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Argh!!!!!!! I put some quotes I remembered, but when I find those six pages, I'll post them. If I don't find them, I'll play through more levels and get more quotes.....UGH..In fact, every game I play now I have a piece of paper ready...
   Well I wrote what's above at 12:30 A.M. Right now it's about 4 o' clock and this morning my mom found the papers, so look at all the quotes I added I had written from playing yesterday. Also check out my review page, with two current reviews; crazy taxi 3 and halo! I'll add Spy Hunter, Agent Under Fire, and more later. Probably not today though. Added some tips as well.
Added some quotes.
I added a great moment from Two Betrayals-and man it was great, but painfully annoying..I got stuck in TB. Also added a new section called quotes. Also added more stuff for the more game tips section but it is still under heavy construction.
Added a section called "other game tips" with info on a few other games. I am working on it, so it is under construction. Also added some screenshots in the my avp2 screenshots section.
Added a section called Greatest Halo Moments. Also added a link at the bottom of the pages with a LOT of info on them kind of like a "Top of Page" button, but it just reloads the page again quickly. So I suggest you use it unless you don't mind scrolling. Several pages don't have this because they don't have enough text to require a "Top of Page" button. Added some contact info.
Sorry for not updating lately. I added a better forum, so check it out! Updated the what should of been in Halo section, and added some avp2 screenshots.
Updated my links section and it's huge. Check it out:Links. Also added a misc. screenshot area. It needs updating, but I did just put it there...
Added a bunch of pics for weapons(human) and vehicles(covenant), and the screenshot section.Also added some stuff in the Try This! section and a huge part on getting the Banshee in AoTcR(off the platform).
Updating my walkthru and updated the "Try This" section. I'll be mainly working on the walkthru, so don't expect many updates for now.
Got a new link from RKRaja for his walkthru so it should work fine now. Thanks RKRaja! I also know how to do a walkthru now(write it on notepad, submit it to GameFaqs), so I'll start it whenever, but I doubt it'll be as good as RKRaja's.. :). Okay, so I started today. It's looking pretty good. Also updated something about the Covenant dropship in the Cov vehicles section, and added that too in the Try This! section, which needs to be updated, but I'm working on my walkthru!!!!!!!!
Well, I got permission from RKRaja for his walkthru. Check out the walkthru section!!!I'm still trying to contact neogamer, but this is good for now(there may be a problem with the link I see it and then I don't see it so sorry if it says it can't link to gamfaqs..if it doesn't, go to, click xbox, then Halo on the side bar which says "top 10 most popular walkthrus" or smething, then click on the walkthru by RKraja or neogamer). And of course, mine is going to be up sometime..maybe not soon..I've just got to figure out whether or not I type it in Notepad and somehow link it or how I type it and make it a .txt file. Oh well, I'll figure it out. For now, read RKRaja's cool walkthru. He put a lot of work into it, so read it please! Also added a forum. Post there! Added a guestbook and a multiplayer section. Enjoy!Wow, more updating. Added more pics for the vehicles section, and updated some stuff for the Covenant Dropship I found useful. Ugh, more?you say. Added a code I found.
Added a new section called polls, but for some reason the bravenet polls didn't work..some odd copy/pasting thing with these HTML codes that is really confusing.I'll try it later, but it's really weird..Well i tried Alxnet too and it's confusing as $%^& too, but I think I got it...just give me some time..okay a LOT of time to figure this out...Okay I figured it out, go to the POLLS section and vote away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to start telling you what's updated after I finish updating every day. Today I added a new section, level help, which describes each level(not a walkthru, that's coming soon I hope!) and some tips on getting through it quicker in either single player or co-op. Well, all i have is the name of the level, as I typed up a huge amount up to the Silent Cartographer, pressed Done, and it somehow didn't get it! So I'm angry and going to update it later. Sorry.

Home-Where you're at now.
Game Reviews-Some reviews of games I've rented or played.
Quotes-Funny stuff the Marines and Grunts say.
Other Game Tips-Tips for other games I've played, like avp2 and agent under fire.
Greatest Halo Moments-Halo can be VERY funny.
My AvP2 Screenshots-Screenshots taken by me from Aliens versus Predator 2.
Misc. Screenshots-Screenshots from other games, movies, etc. Stuff I save off the web in the My Pictures folder.
Guestbook-Tell me what you think of this website!
Games I have-Here's the games for Xbox and PC I have..As you can tell they're mostly shooters..
Mutiplayer-A link to Halo's Truth and Reconciliation multiplayer strategy guide-because I'm waaaaaay to lazy to make a new section..sorry..
Halo Forum-Discuss Halo here! I'll check this every day, so you can expect a reply!
Walkthrus-Walkthrus here! Only got one, but it's definitely worth a read. Check it out!
Polls-Take the polls!
Level Help-Tips and notes for the single player missions. NOTE:This is not a walkthru of any levels, so don't expect it. I'm working on it!
Covenant versus The Flood-Who do you think is better?
How far I have got in Halo-Which difficulties I have beat for all ten single player missions.
Enemy Guide-*WARNING POSSIBLE SPOILERS*-how to beat the enemies thrown at you in Halo, not including the vehicles(check out the human/Covenant vehicles sections).
Halo Story-The beautiful plot of Halo.
Tips and Tricks-General tips on how to make your skill level rise in Halo, some basic facts, and a link to a place with amusing tricks you can do.
Contact-How to contact me.
Human Vehicles-The vehicles used by the UNSC with descriptions,how to play and beat them,and pros and cons.
Covenant Vehicles-Same as above, but with Covenant Vehicles(well,duh..).
Praise for Halo-Quotes I got from reviews of Halo.This is just showing how many people like it, and there are WAY more reviews of Halo than just this tiny little number.
Cheats/Codes-Any cheats/codes for Halo are here.
Human Weapons-Marine weapon descriptions and pros and cons.
Covenant Weapons-Covenant "                   "                               "
Items-Info on items in the game.
Links-Links to other Halo sites around the net.
What should of been in Halo-The weapons,vehicles,and other stuff that Bungie left out at the last minute.Check this section out.Hopefully we will get these weapons in Halo Next.
Funny Pics-Hilarious pics from Halo, either real or somewhat rendered to look funny.
Try This!-Stuff you must do in Halo, no questions asked.
Screenshots-My favorite screenshots of Halo, but not taken by me..taken off the web.


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